Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 9 [Parts 1 to 2] by Miya Kazuki

Ascendance of a Bookworm: Part 5 Volume 9 [Parts 1 to 2] by Miya Kazuki

Author:Miya Kazuki
Language: eng
Format: epub

Victory and Return

“I see you both kept busy while I was overwriting the giebe’s foundation...” Ferdinand said in a cold voice. “Tell me, how did things end up like this?”

I sat bolt upright, then frantically shrank my Pandabus down to its usual size. I’d been too caught up in the battle to notice before, but during my attempt to intimidate Grausam, Lessy’s head and front legs had burst right through the roof of the estate, creating a massive hole. As I stared up at the blue sky—and at Ferdinand, who was looming over me—I desperately tried to think of an excuse.

“Grausam’s black hand was breaking Lessy apart. I mean, look at his face! He’s hurt! Fire was shooting all over the place, and, well... I needed to make my Pandabus bigger! It was the only way to keep me safe—or at least, that was what I thought, but—”

I was trying to plead my case when I suddenly realized the true severity of our situation. Giebe estates were made by the aub through the use of an entwickeln, and they were constructed out of pure-white ivory. The people of Hasse had been accused of treason simply for attacking a monastery, so this... This was very bad.

“Um, Ferdinand... Am I going to be charged with treason?”

“You are the current Aub Ahrensbach,” Ferdinand said dryly. “Rather than an act of treason, this will surely be considered a declaration of war.”

The blood drained from my face. “Noooooo! That wasn’t my intention! Not in the slightest! Please, Ferdinand, apologize to Sylvester for me! Maybe I could give him the gold dust he needs for the entwickeln and pay for any further repairs. Would that be enough to smooth things over?”

“I would not know.”

“Please! I need your help now more than ever!”

Ferdinand gave an amused chuckle, then held out a hand to me. “Perhaps we should embrace the inevitable scolding. It would seem that the situation in Ehrenfest has likewise been resolved.”

Accepting his encouragement, I stepped out of my highbeast and looked around. My knights were caught up in a lively debate over who had dealt the killing blow to Grausam, but I ignored them and stared up at Ferdinand.

“Is the fighting really over?” I asked.

“I would gain nothing from lying to you. An ordonnanz from the archduke arrived not too long ago; Grausam and Georgine were acting in perfect sync.”

As it turned out, they really had planned thoroughly. Grausam had conquered the estate and Old Werkestock’s giebes had started stealing mana at the same time that Georgine had arrived in Ehrenfest to begin her own battle.

“Sylvester was on his way to the foundation’s hall when we sent him our ordonnanz. He was pleased to hear of our safe arrival, it seems.”

“Was anyone in the temple or lower city wounded...?” I asked, cutting right to the chase. Sylvester had told us the battle was over, but what did that mean? Had Georgine made it all the way to the foundation, or had they captured her while


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